Wednesday 10 February 2010

New British Camouflage Patterns

No one does acronyms like the UK MOD. Those textile suppliers with links to the defence industry will be interested to learn that 2010 sees the initial introduction of the new MTP DPM. That's MOD speak for camouflage material - it means Multi-Terrain Pattern Disruptive Pattern Material. It will feature in uniforms that will start to be supplied later this year to servicemen and women on active duty in Afghanistan. The idea is that it serves multiple environments from the barren mountainsides and green valleys of Afghanistan to the deserts of the Middle East and the temperate climes of western Europe. It this just a fudge that does all the jobs of the arctic, woodland and desert DPMs, but nowhere as well? Not if you believe the article in MOD's defence news site (December 2009) which explains how extensive computer modelling and field trials costing £250k have come up with a solution that works in all environments.

I guess time will tell - I look forward to reading the reviews by the people who have to wear it in the field on the Arrse website- these are often amusing, completely unofficial and often rather biased responses which can be read at leisure.

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